The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®
is an internationally used and respected instrument for understanding
normal personality differences based on individual preferences.
Better understand
yourself and others
personality differences
Develop complementary
Improve communication
Reduce conflict
The MBTI is much more than a simple
test. Isabel Briggs Myers and Katharine Cook Briggs originally developed
the instrument based on the work of psychologist Carl Jung. The concepts
presented in analyzing test results have deep psychological origins and
implications. Without expert interpretation, these sensitive test results
may be misunderstood.
The presenter in CMC’s training
programs is a certified MBTI practitioner. By working with an expert,
participants gain deep understanding of the theory. The presenter is
available to answer sensitive questions that inevitably arise from the
test and scoring. This comprehensive presentation helps prevent
misunderstandings or misinterpretations of the test results.
CMC provides each participant
with a personal MBTI Report that describes the individual's type
and tendencies. Each report includes detailed information about the
individual's unique personality based on the strength of his or her
CMC customizes programs for Workshop
attendees and provides individual interpretation sessions. CMC helps participants develop an understanding of the basic
Myers-Briggs types for individuals through brief presentations,
interactive exercises and discussion that reflect issues and needs
specific to the participants. The program provides individuals with
valuable insights into their communication styles, conflict styles, and
decision-making patterns. All information is presented in a positive,
constructive manner.
CMC customizes trainings to meet the
needs of the participants. MBTI training programs are especially helpful
Developing self
Finding and following
a spiritual path
Making career
Learning about opportunities for personal growth and development.
MBTI®* for Individuals
Basic Step I Individual Interpretation Session. Individuals take the basic MBTI Instrument online. The individual will gain in-depth knowledge about him/herself and about the fundamentals and value of 16 personality types. The MBTI facilitates the understanding of varying approaches to communication, conflict, decision-making, and problem solving.
1.5 hours, $85.00.
MBTI®Complete*. CMC recommends that you take the MBTI® assessment as part of the Understanding Personality Workshop or an Individual Interpretation Session. This allows for direct personalfeedback and explanation. However, there is an online option for an all-in-one Step I MBTI® assessment and interpretation individuals who are part of a group in which others have previously taken the MBTI® or for individuals who do not wish to schedule an individual interpretation session. For these individuals, there is an officially approved online option, the MBTI®Complete, available for $39.75. For more information or to take the MBTI®Complete, click here. Those who choose the take the MBTI®Complete are welcome to schedule a subsequent ½ hour personal feedback session with CMC for $25.00.
Step II Individual Interpretation Session. Individuals take the MBTI Step II Instrument online. In addition to gaining in-depth knowledge about him/herself and learning about the fundamentals and value of 16 personality types, the individual will learn about 20 facets of preferences that affect varying approaches to communication, conflict, problem solving, and decision-making.
2.5 hours, $160.00.
Instructors for MBTI programs: Lyn Wade, M.A., Beth Brown Ornstein, J.D.
MBTI, Myers-Briggs, and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust in the United States and other countries.
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MBTI®* Workshops
Understanding Personality Step I Workshop. This half-day program is designed to introduce groups to the MBTI. Through lecturettes, examples, interactive exercises, and discussion, participants will gain in-depth knowledge about themselves and about the fundamentals and value of 16 personality types in a comfortable, supportive, and non-judgmental setting. The MBTI facilitates the understanding of varying approaches to communication, conflict, problem solving, and decision-making.
Understanding Personality Step II Workshop. This is a more in-depth version of the basic Understanding Personality Workshop. In addition to learning the fundamentals and value of 16 personality types, participants will learn about 20 facets of preferences that affect varying approaches to communication, conflict, problem solving, and decision-making.
Teambuilding Workshop. This six-hour program is designed for teams that want to develop more productive and effective work strategies. Through lecturettes, examples, interactive exercises, and discussion, participants will explore 16 individual personality types; learn dynamics of team interaction including conflict, problem solving, and decision-making styles; and develop a team action plan.
Career Development. This half day program is designed for individuals interested in career development. Through lecturettes, examples, interactive exercises, and discussion, participants will explore 16 individual personality types; which types tend to gravitate to specific careers; and the advantages and challenges of individual type in specific careers.
Navigating Life Journeys with the Myers-Briggs®*: Exploring Growth, Development, and Spirituality. Learn how understanding the MBTI can help us to grow internally, in our relationships, and in our spiritual lives. Part 1 is a four hour general introduction that may be taken alone or as a pre-requisite for additional sessions.
- Part 1: MBTI Step II Understanding Personality. Begin to explore the impact of individual preferences on personal growth through understanding of the fundamentals and value of 16 personality types and 20 facets of preferences that affect communication, conflict, problem solving and decision-making. (4 hours)
- Part 2: Developmental Aspects of Type. Consider how your personality preferences explain how you progress personally, in relationships, and spiritually throughout your life. Gain insight into how individual personality types fit with different personal paths. (3 hours)
- Part 3: Strategies for Personal Spiritual Growth and Development. Delve more deeply into dynamics of type, exploring the impact of your least used type preferences on your life. Learn how the MBTI provides a model for life-long growth and reveals potential for becoming your best self. (3 hours)
Instructors for MBTI programs: Lyn Wade, M.A., Beth Brown Ornstein, J.D.
* MBTI, Myers-Briggs, and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust in the United States and other countries.
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Team Building
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®* Teambuilding Workshop.
This program is designed for teams that want to develop more productive and effective work strategies. Through lecturettes, examples, interactive exercises, and discussion, participants will explore 16 individual personality types; learn dynamics of team interaction including conflict, problem solving, and decision-making styles; and develop a team action plan.
Instructors for MBTI programs: Lyn Wade, M.A., Beth Brown Ornstein, J.D.
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® Understanding Personality Step II Teambuilding Workshop. This program is a more in-depth version of the basic Understanding Personality Workshop with application to teams. In addition to learning the fundamentals and value of 16 personality types, participants will learn about 20 facets of preferences that further explain individual variance within each personality type. Teams will learn how these 20 facets of preferences affect team conflict, problem solving, and decision-making styles. Instructors for MBTI programs: Lyn Wade, M.A., Beth Brown Ornstein, J.D.
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* MBTI, Myers-Briggs, and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust in the United States and other countries.
For more information, or to register for a
workshop, contact the Colorado
Mediation Center by clicking here.
Copyright 2003-2010, Colorado
Mediation Center, LLC, and PMO Communications, LLC