4450 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 100
Boulder, CO  80303
Phone: 303-415-2042

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Colorado Mediation Center

Small Business Agreements

CMC has experience working with partnerships, limited liability companies, and corporations.  Mediation can help you focus on the issues and reach an agreement that meets your needs. 

Business Entity Agreements
Are you getting stuck in drafting formation agreements or amending your existing agreements?  Mediation can help you get unstuck by focusing on your goals and needs.

Ending Business Relationships
Are emotions, personality clashes or differences in personal style causing getting in the way of ending your partnership or other business relationship?  Mediation can help you focus on your goals and needs in drafting agreements to end your business relationship.

For more information, contact the Colorado Mediation Center by clicking here.



Copyright 2004-20011, Colorado Mediation Center, LLC, and PMO Communications, LLC